Dothill Primary School

Walk to Church and Wear a Christmas Jumper

Each year, we walk as a school to All Saints Parish Church for our Christmas, Easter and End of Year celebrations. This enables us to celebrate each term as a whole school, where the children can sing songs and share poems and readings with the rest of the school. Please make sure that your child is wearing a coat and has sensible shoes on as we go whatever the weather. Don’t forget that it is also a Christmas Jumper Day – wear normal uniform but with a Christmas jumper instead of a school jumper.

Thank you to those that offered to support the school in our walk to church on Friday 22nd December. We have had a great response.  Due to the huge number of replies, we have had to limit the number of volunteers. Parents, carers, and helpers who have been chosen will receive a letter from their child confirming that we would like them to attend. If you haven’t received a letter, please don’t turn up as we have had to limit the number of helpers to match church capacity.

I would like to thank all the volunteers again for their support. It is greatly appreciated.

church-volunteer-reponse-letter.pdf (


We also need parent volunteers for this event, so please see the letter sent home with the children asking for your help (copy on website, link below).

walk-to-church-autumn-2023.pdf (

church-helpers-letter-christmas-2023.pdf (