Dothill Primary School

NSPCC Workshops for parents/carers

NSPCC Parent Online Workshop - online safety

Earlier this year, we asked you for ways we could further help you to support your child and the feedback we received showed you would welcome additional information around online safety. We are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to attend an Online Safety workshop led by the NSPCC on Thursday 18th May from 7.30-8.30pm. The workshop will be delivered through Microsoft Teams so you will be able to log onto the workshop from the comfort of your own sofa! If you are interested in attending this online workshop, please can you send an email back to the address given here, stating your name and the email address you want to receive the MS Teams link on. Prior to the meeting, you will be sent the necessary link to log onto when I have received it from the NSPCC team. I look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Mrs K Renshaw - PSHE Lead.

online-safety-parent-workshop-may-2023-f.pdf (