Dothill Primary School

Pupil Parliament

Our Pupil Parliament is made up of Mrs Willoughby and two representatives from each class from Year 2 to Year 6 pupils.

The children have been voted for by other pupils in their classes. It is the responsibility of each pupil parliament member to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent from their class.

They children attend a weekly meeting with Mrs Willoughby, where they feedback, ideas suggested to them by their class and also discuss previous agenda items and new ideas. We value the opinions of our pupils and our Pupil Parliament gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with our school pupil parliament lead, Headteacher and other members of staff.

The Pupil Parliament can be identified by pupils as they wear a safeguarding badge with pride.



Pupil Parliament aims:

  • To meet regularly to discuss their views and be heard.
  • To organise charity days
  • To make sure our school is a happy and safe place for all of our children
  • To make sure children have a place to voice their concerns, opinions, and thoughts
  • To encourage all children in school to suggest ideas and improvements
  • To ensure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon.

Each half term the Pupil Parliament organise a vote for pupils so they are part of making decisions on key aspects of school life.  They also lead an assembly for the whole school and share regular messages with children in their class.   They have decided on the following areas to focus on for the academic year.

Autumn One – Library

Autumn Two – dojo reward system

Spring One – Writing

Spring Two – New curriculum

Summer One – Active School

Summer Two – Maths