Dothill Primary School

Safeguarding at Dothill

At Dothill Primary School, safeguarding our children is the highest priority and it is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children. We have a child centred and coordinated approach to safeguarding. It is our aim to ensure that everyone gets the right help at the right time.

Our approach to safeguarding is embedded within the culture of the school and is woven throughout our curriculum. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum combined with our online safety curriculum and assemblies ensure that safeguarding is a focus throughout the school and talked about regularly.


Our core belief is that children at Dothill should feel safe and happy and we work hard each day to ensure this.  Feeling safe and valued is vital to a child's development. Learning suffers when students fear for their safety, worry about being bullied, or don't sense their teachers have high expectations for their success. In a healthy, supportive climate, children are engaged and will reach their full potential.  It is our aim that children will share their worries and concerns, so that we can provide the right help and support to ensure they gain confidence and feel safe and happy.

At Dothill we have 3 simple expectations of our pupils, which ensure that all pupils understand the importance of good behaviour which supports our want for all pupils to feel safe and happy. 

At Dothill:

We are ready to learn

We are respectful to each other and school property

We keep ourselves and others safe in and out of school and online