Dothill Primary School

Welcome to our Safeguarding Squad


Our Safeguarding Squad are a group of children from years 4, 5 and 6 who are chosen by class teachers and Mr Jones, our Safeguarding Squad Lead, for their empathetic and sensible nature. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the tasks, parents are informed in writing and asked for their permission for their child to be part of the group.  Mr Jones trains this group, giving them to skills and knowledge to support others share key messages with pupils and parents. They also work on Safeguarding issues to ensure safeguarding has high priority across school.

Mr Jones and the Safeguarding Squad meet each week to have a ‘pop up’ session, where other pupils can call in for a chat and discuss a concern or worries, they may have.

The Safeguarding Squad can be identified by pupils as they wear a safeguarding badge with pride.



Each half term the Safeguarding Squad lead an assembly for the whole school and share regular messages with children and parents.  They have decided on the following areas to focus on for the academic year.

Autumn One – Keeping Ourselves Safe in the Community

Autumn Two – Antibullying

Spring One – Internet Safety

Spring Two – Being Safe around School

Summer One – Mental Health

Summer Two – Sun and Water Safety

During these half terms the Safeguarding Squad will work with other staff across school who lead in specific areas, for example, Mrs Harvey and Mrs Sturmey for Mental Health and Mr Kirkpatrick and Miss Challinor for Internet Safety.


Autumn One – Keeping Ourselves Safe in the Community

During the start of this term the safeguarding squad concentrated on informing the students about keeping safe around the periods of Halloween, Bonfire night and preparing themselves for the upcoming winter months (staying warm, being visible as nights draw in) As always, the safeguarding squad continue to be available during Friday lunch times for the children to raise any concerns or ask for advice.