Dothill Primary School

EYFS Important Information

On this page you will find important information about EYFS.

Please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.


EYFS Staff


RD                                                                   RM

Miss Dhariwal                                                  Mrs Melville

Miss McInnes                                                  Mrs Shah

                                                                       Mrs Burbank


Outdoor Learning

As part of the EYFS curriculum we explore the natural areas around school creating various forest arts and developing our knowledge and understanding of the world. Children need to bring a waterproof outfit that they can wear over their school uniform and a pair of wellies. These need to be named and left in school. 


Fitness Friday

In EYFS we have Fitness Friday. The children are expected to wear their P.E kit and trainers to school and wear them for the duration of the day.


Break time

All children in EYFS are given a piece of fruit as a snack during the day so there is no need for parents to provide a snack.

As the weather gets colder please make sure that children bring a coat to wear at breaktime as all children are expected to be outside.