Dothill Primary School

Y5 Important Information

Year 5 Daily Routines

Throughout the academic year the children will be taking place in the 'Daily Dash' This is an opportunity for the children to get outside and run, walk or jog to promote physical activity. 

We will also be completing 'Calm Brain' daily which is a relaxing activity in which the children imitate movements. This has been proven to aid with mental wellbeing.


Bikeability - November 13th-16th

If your child has been selected to take part in Bikeability and you have mislaid the information leaflet, please click here



If you have not yet set up a ParentPay account, please make sure that you do so. All of our ticketed events (eg Leavers' assembly) will be distributed using this system and all payments & consents for trips will be made using ParentPay.  Without a ParentPay account, you will not be able to do any of these things. If you have lost the letter that we sent out, please speak to the office. 


Please ensure the children have the correct uniform at all time. Shoes must be worn. No trainers or boots. Children can come to school in their PE kit on their days. This should be plain black shorts or joggers and a plain white T shirt. Children can also wear a plain black hoody or jumper in cooler weather.


PE Days 

5J - Friday 

5LT - Thursday 

Young Voices

For children attending Young Voices, parents can sign up to access the resources for the songs using the link below.