Dothill Primary School

Mufti Day - collecting donations for Christmas Fair

In preparation for the Christmas Fayre, there is a Mufti Day on Friday 1st December. The children are invited to come to school in non-uniform and we ask that the children bring in a donation for the fayre of either:

  • bottle of wine or alcohol,
  • chocolate, or
  • £2

Please can all donations be handed in at the classroom door on arrival that morning. The money collected will be used to purchase prizes.

In addition to help on the day of the fayre we also require help with organising the donations received on the morning of mufti day in preparation for the fayre. If you can help (even just for a little while) please complete this Google form by Wednesday 29th November.

Many thanks in anticipation of your support,

The Friends of Dothill School

christmas-fayre-letter-2023.pdf (